Applico | B2B Distribution Tech Advisor | Platform Experts Applico | B2B Distribution Tech Advisor | Platform Experts

Trusted Tech Advisor to Wholesale Distribution

Buy Side Advisor and Co-Investor

Platform Strategy and Capital Firm

Platform Experts & Trusted Advisors

To the Largest Enterprises in B2B Distribution

Applico Platform Innovation
Applico Platform Innovation

What We Do

We advise billion-dollar distributors on strategic transactions with tech startups. Some call us the Digital Sherpa because we are trusted by distributor executives to clear the fog within the technology landscape. And, when appropriate, we co-invest via the distribution industry’s first venture capital fund.

We Are Experienced

Our team has advised on $500+ million in transactions

The Defining Book on Platform Businesses

"Modern Monopolies brilliantly lays out the formula for how to get rich in the platform economy. This book will become the handbook for the next generation of business leaders."

-George F. Colony, Founder & CEO

"A required read for anyone interested in building, or investing in, network-based businesses."

-Andrew Weissman, Partner

"{A} stimulating book...The authors are particularly interesting on how modern platform companies are able to outsource much of their innovation."

-Jorn Thornhill, Editor

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