In case you missed last night’s NYC Android Developer Meetup, Thomas Karam from the Applico Engineering team and David Antunes, Applico Design lead, shared some of our favorite things from Android 5.
Thomas (left) and David (right) presenting to a packed house at WeWorks.
These two worked together with Applico CTO Matt Powers and the Applico Design team to update an app we made in 2012, Zeitgeist, to the latest version of Android. Their effort allowed us all to learn about migrating existing code to incorporate the new Material Design.
My presentation on the Floating Action Button (FAB) View
Changes to the 2012 Zeitgeist App started with a new theme and customization of the status and action bar with the latest style of tabs and a navigation drawer. The project used the CardView widget that is common to wearable apps that run on Google Glass and the latest batch of Smart Watches. Here it’s used to populate the scrolling list of content. There is also a RecyclerView and RecyclerView.Adapter to go along with the CardView objects.
Each CardView list entry opens up with a changeBounds shared-element-transition animation specified using the latest Android 5 tags. Ripple animation is used to indicate a touch response. Images from the CardView are ‘palettized’ so that colors are extracted and used to tint the image when the detail screen is up on the device display.
Please visit the LPreviewGoogleZeitgeist as well as the android-floating-action-button here. You will find code targeting the Android L Preview, both version 20 and version 21.
You can also read more about how we updated Zeitgeist here.
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Filed under: Product Engineering | Topics: android, Android app develompent, Android L, Material Design