January Android Developer Meet-up Recap
By Alex Moazed
Applico welcomed NYC’s android developers for our first meet-up of 2012 last night. There was an open discussion on Android development tips, tricks, trends and idiosyncrasies.We had a number of both experts and novices on had and much information was shared. Some of the topics covered:
- Fragments: Why you should be implementing them into your workflow immediately.
- How the absence of hardware buttons on current and future Android devices effects app architecture
- Using the Action Bar (first implemented in Honeycomb) to replicated functions previously dedicated to the Menu button
- Ensuring Action Bar backwards compatibility for pre-Honeycomb devices with ActionBarSherlock
- Developing a game for Android and how the experience differs from developing a more standard application
- Different tools and approaches for handling audio playback
- We discussed some of the GUI’s available to Android Developers as well as why it might be best to avoid such tools
- Various OEM specific bugs (Samsung double-tap and Motorola listview bugs, for example)
Thanks to everyone that made it out. Special thanks to Thomas and Arun from the Applico Android team for leading the discussion.
Look forward to an announcement regarding the next, iOS focused meet-up in the coming days. It will be towards the end of February. While it was nice to utilize all of the space on our 5th floor, there’s no doubt that the rooftop is preferable and we look forward to using that space as it warms up outside.
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android, android app developers, android developers, developers, mobile, mobile developers