Applico is an iOS and Android mobile and web app development firm specializing in platforms, which we define as a business model that enables the exchange of value between a network of 3rd party producers and consumers. Uber, Airbnb, Facebook, Snapchat, Lending Club and Tinder are all platforms.
Applico has offices in Los Angeles and NYC and has worked with the likes of Google, Glamsquad, Auctionata, HP, Mayo Clinic, Disney, Toshiba and numerous other startups.
Platform Design is business model design for platforms. How will your platform enable producers to create value? How will the platform connect producers and consumers? How does the platform enable the core transaction to be completed? And lastly, how will consumers compensate producers? All these questions and discussions help answer what features should go into the platform’s MVP, what the platform business roadmap is, and how the platform will make money.
At the end of Platform Design, clients receive a business model design document that details how the platform enables matchmaking, builds liquidity, sets rules and standards to weed out bad actors, and provides tools and services to promote platform loyalty. A component of this document will include a cost & time quote for developing the MVP. Together these documents can help with fundraising, recruitment and for communicating both the platform’s business opportunity and the executional plan for launch and scaling.
As the world’s first platform innovation company, we look to hire seasoned platform operators and entrepreneurs as Applico business model designers. Our Platform Advisory Network is comprised of platformers who have had success in building platform companies and raising institutional capital. We believe our network of platform advisors is a differentiated consulting approach to advising our clients on building and scaling platform businesses.
Applico helps founders launch their platform businesses through product management, UI/ UX design and engineering services. We’ve been doing so for over seven years. After Platform Design, we translate the scope of the MVP into technical requirements as part of product definition. Our designers then create the platform’s visual identity and UI/ UX elements before handing off high-fidelity designs and implementation guides for engineers to start development. We manage the entire lifecycle of the app from concept, to app store approval, continuous iteration support, maintenance and growth.
We put startup clients through our proprietary platform frameworks in Platform Design. We use these same frameworks to help VCs and investors evaluate investments in platform companies of all types. We’ll evaluate the platform’s matchmaking, rules & standards, audience building strategies and tools & functionalities. We also evaluate the business and technical prowess of the team.